back massage

Younger people tend to do more physically strenuous activities such as sports or frequent traveling. Older people tend to choose more relaxing activities such as gardening, knitting, or spending time with family. However, no matter how young or old, all ages experience physical strain from the activities they do.

At some point, this strain comes to a head in the form of back pain. Back pain commonly plagues people, but some pains require medical care in the form of an upright MRI scan in London and physiotherapy.


Frequent Back Use

The spine may probably be one of the most frequently used bones. It is the pillar that supports our entire body. As such, the spine endures much strain from the activities that you do, and you may develop a pain in your back.

Although your body usually resolves most back pains through rest and relaxation, you may experience chronic pain anywhere from your neck down to your hips.


Indicators of Danger

How would you know if you should see a physician? You can see a doctor if you feel sharp and severe pain in your back, or if your pains gradually grow worse over time. When your back pain causes you to interrupt your day-to-day living or hinders you from doing certain movements or activities, you should also consider seeing a general physician.


Emergency Indicators

Some indications require immediate medical treatment, however. Call an ambulance or rush to the hospital if you begin feeling swelling or deformity in your back; you have a high temperature from 38C and above, or you start feeling chest pain.

Other symptoms that require emergency care include a lack of bladder or bowel control, numbness around your buttocks or genitals, and difficulty peeing.


Scanning to Identify the Issue

To find out more about the underlying issue of your back pain, the physician may order a scan of your spine. An imaging scan, unlike a CT scan or x-ray, encloses you inside a large doughnut-shaped magnet, while you lie down on a sliding table.

The scan will take minutes to finish, and during that time, you will hear deafening noises coming from the operation of the magnet. As a result, you may experience claustrophobia and may begin to panic.


Opt for a Stand-up Scanner

An imaging scan requires you to lie completely still to process a clear image of your spine. A large, loud, and cramped magnetic machine, however, may induce anxiety in you. As an alternative, you can choose to use an upright MRI scan instead.

Such a kind of scanner, called an open scanner, allows you to stand up or sit during the scanning process. You can even watch the telly during the procedure. On a more medical perspective, an open scanner may also be a better diagnostic tool for your back pain.

This is based on a 2016 study published in the Journal of Craniovertebral Junction & Spine. Once done with your scan, your physician can then identify what ails you and prescribe the proper treatment.


Be Quick About Uncommon Back Pains

back x-ray

Back pain may be common, but with the indicators mentioned above, you can easily identify if the pain you have is uncommon. Prompt medical attention can fix you up in no time, and you can go about your activities, enjoying life no matter your age.

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