woman flossing her teeth

Many people neglect oral health because they think it isn’t important. However, oral health is just as important as any other part of your body. If you don’t take oral care seriously, then there are many consequences that could arise such as tooth decay and gum disease.

Many people think that brushing their teeth once or twice a day is enough for good oral hygiene. However, there is so much more to oral health than just brushing regularly.

There may come a time when you would need to pay for oral surgery, get artificial teeth (dental implants), and pay for oral prophylaxis. All of these things are part of taking care of your oral health. Therefore, people should make sure that they take care of their oral health to avoid oral health problems.

Prioritizing Your Oral Health

While most people know that oral hygiene is important, they don’t prioritize it. Most people think that brushing their teeth a couple of times a day and flossing every once in a while is enough to keep their mouths healthy, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. The sad reality is that more than half of adults have some form of gum disease, which can lead to serious health problems.

This is the reason why advocates of oral health are encouraging people to become more conscious of their oral health. Neglecting your oral health could lead to health problems such as:

Heart disease

Cardiovascular disease can be caused by the buildup of plaque in your arteries, which are blood vessels that carry oxygen-rich blood to different parts of the body. Plaque accumulation happens when bad cholesterol (LDL) blocks or damages arterial walls. This could lead to heart attacks and strokes.

Gum disease

Gum disease is a bacterial infection that affects the soft tissues of your oral cavity. This disease can be caused by plaque accumulation, food particles trapped in between teeth, and even stress.

Gum disease can lead to tooth loss and oral health problems such as bad breath, which is why people should prioritize oral hygiene for healthy teeth and gums. Of course, brushing one’s teeth does not automatically equate to a clean mouth because there are other factors that contribute towards oral health including diet, genetics, good dental habits, and using oral hygiene products.

The good news is that gum disease is treatable. However, if left untreated, it could lead to tooth loss and heart problems such as cardiovascular diseases. The good news is that gum disease is preventable as long as people practice oral hygiene regularly. People need to be consistent about prioritizing their oral health to avoid health problems.

Mouth cancer

Mouth cancer is a serious oral health problem. It usually occurs in the oral cavity, lips, and tongue. This type of cancer can also affect other parts of the head or neck region depending on where it started.

It is caused by either smoking or chewing tobacco products for a long time without proper care. Other factors that contribute to mouth cancers are drinking alcohol and failing to take care of your mouth at all.

man flossing his teeth

Achieving Good Oral Health Outcomes

There are plenty of ways that people can achieve good oral health outcomes. However, they need to make a commitment to prioritizing their oral health. Below are tips on how people can achieve good oral health outcomes:

Brushing regularly

Brushing regularly is important to oral health. People should aim for at least two times a day, preferably after meals or snacks. Brushing the teeth twice in one day is better than once because it does not give bacteria time to grow and multiply which causes cavities.

Using a mouth wash regularly

People should use good oral health products to protect their teeth from cavities and other oral diseases. Mouthwashes typically contain fluoride which can lower the risk of developing periodontal disease, gingivitis, enamel erosion, and bad breath. Therefore, people should use a mouth wash regularly.

Flossing every day

People also need to floss their teeth regularly even if they have already brushed their teeth. This is because flossing can remove food particles that are stuck between the teeth. Flossing can help prevent oral health problems effectively.

Scheduling oral health examinations

People need to schedule oral health examinations once every six months or as recommended by their dentist. This examination should be done even if they feel good because issues with oral health can go unnoticed at times, which means people need oral health examinations to guarantee that there are no existing oral health problems.

Taking Care of Your Mouth

People should be more conscious of their oral health because oral diseases can lead to more serious health problems like cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, people should make an effort to take care of their oral health. They need to brush their teeth twice a day without missing any spots, floss once in the morning and night after brushing, and visit the dentist regularly.

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