obese woman

Obesity is a complex condition caused by several contributing factors, including genetics, lifestyle, and behavior. It’s a health issue that involves excessive body fat. In addition, obesity is not just a cosmetic matter to deal with; it’s a severe medical condition that puts an individual at risk of heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, and diabetes.

People find it hard to lose weight due to several reasons. In most cases, obesity is inherited. Other factors are also associated with its occurrences, such as environment, physical activity, diet, and many more. Why is obesity considered a severe health condition?

Experts say that the disease is often linked to poor mental health and lower quality of life. It’s also bothersome that obesity is one of the leading causes of death not only in the U.S. but globally. However, you don’t have to panic right away once diagnosed with obesity. By switching to a healthy lifestyle, enrolling inĀ weight-loss programs, and getting professional help, you can get rid of obesity. Let’s discuss it further.

The Symptoms of Obesity

While the most apparent sign of obesity is a significant increase in weight, there are other symptoms to watch out for, including:

  • Back pain
  • Difficulty Sleeping
  • Heat intolerance
  • Excessive sweating
  • Depression
  • Skin infections
  • Fatigue
  • Shortness of breath

When should you see a doctor?

Most patients opt to see their doctors right after noticing odd changes in their bodies. If you think that your weight increases rapidly and you’re experiencing the symptoms mentioned above, it would be wiser to see a doctor immediately.

Common Causes and Risk Factors

As mentioned, several factors contribute to obesity. Behavioral, genetic, hormonal, and metabolic influences can affect a person’s body weight. Obesity occurs when you consume more calories and do not burn them naturally through physical activities or exercise. The body then stores these accumulated calories and turns them into fat.

We cannot deny that most diets contain excessive calories primarily because people are fond of eating from fast-food restaurants. Relatively, many are keen on drinking high-calorie drinks. It’s also a factor that obese people eat more calories before they feel full due to stress caused by the disease.

Furthermore, many people have jobs that don’t require too many physical movements. As a result, they don’t burn enough calories. The advantage of using escalators, remote controls, and online services is also considered.


According to experts, genetics play a vital role in obesity. The genes you inherited from your parents significantly affects how your body distribute and store fat. What’s more, genetics participates in how your body efficiently converts food to energy.

Generally, obesity run in families. And that’s not only because they share the same genes but also because of their shared lifestyle and eating habits.


An obese person’s lifestyle is often the reason behind the disease. Lifestyle is a broad subject, but when it comes to obesity, it involves:

  • Poor diet. Eating meals high in calories such as fast food and high-calorie beverages are the typical cause of obesity.
  • High-calorie beverages. Obese people don’t typically feel full even after drinking high-calorie soft drinks and alcohol.
  • Inactivity. Physical activities are vital in burning fat. If a person practices a sedentary lifestyle, he is at a much higher risk of obesity.


Obesity can happen to anyone, regardless of age. But it’s more common in adults because we tend to have fewer physical activities as we age. Hormonal changes also put a person at risk of obesity. Furthermore, the amount of muscle we have decreases as we age. And this means one thing only, low muscle mass is equivalent to a decline in metabolism. Make sure to control your eating habits as you age and be more physically active to avoid gaining excess weight.

Other Factors

Here are some reasons for unanticipated weight gain.

  • Quitting smoking. Many people tend to gain weight after quitting smoking as food becomes their outlet in coping with the withdrawal.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Stress. Stress is also a contributing factor affecting how your body reacts to stressful situations.
  • Lack of sleep.

Possible Complications

People with obesity will most likely develop several health problems, including:

  • Strokes and heart disease
  • Specific types of cancer
  • Sleep apnea
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Digestive problems

The best way to determine if you are obese is by consulting a doctor. Let your physician know about the changes in your body to help you overcome the disease. Practice a healthy lifestyle and learn to manage stress in healthier ways.

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