woman with toothache

Dental disorders come in various forms. While some are more common, all of them can be exceptionally bothersome and even painful. For example, dental caries can cause your teeth to decay and eventually fall out. In addition, you may be familiar with TMJ disorders if you have had braces or other orthodontic work. These can cause pain in your jaw and even headaches.

However, certain disorders might not be as problematic as the ones listed above. For example, teeth sensitivity is one particular dental disorder that isn’t problematic but can affect people’s lives.

The Structure of Teeth

Your teeth are composed of three different layers:

  • The enamel is the hard, white outer layer.
  • The dentin is a yellowish, harder tissue that lies below the enamel.
  • Finally, the pulp is the innermost layer that contains blood vessels and nerves.

When you have teeth sensitivity, your tooth’s dentin becomes exposed. When your dentin is exposed, your nerves are also more exposed, which is why you may feel a twinge of pain or discomfort.

Causes of Teeth Sensitivity

There are various reasons for teeth sensitivity. Here are five common reasons why it happens.


Teeth grinding is a common cause of teeth sensitivity. When you grind your teeth, you are wearing down the enamel. Over time, this can lead to the dentin being exposed and your teeth becoming sensitive.

Tooth Decay

Another common cause of tooth sensitivity is tooth decay. When you have cavities or tooth decay, it weakens your enamel. This makes it more likely for your dentin to be exposed and your teeth to become sensitive.

Acidic Foods and Drinks

Acidic foods and drinks can also cause teeth sensitivity. When you consume acidic foods or drinks, they can wear away at your enamel. Over time, this can lead to the dentin being exposed and your teeth becoming sensitive.

Brushing Too Hard

Brushing your teeth too hard can also cause teeth sensitivity. Every time you brush, you wear down your teeth’s enamel. Eventually, it will lead to the dentin being exposed and your teeth becoming sensitive.

Receding Gums

Another common cause of teeth sensitivity is receding gums. When your gums recede, they expose more of the root of your tooth. This makes it more likely for the dentin to be exposed and your teeth to become sensitive.

A dentist helping cure sensitive teeth

How to Deal With Sensitive Teeth

If you are dealing with sensitive teeth, you can do a few things to help ease the discomfort.

Get Help From a Professional

An underlying disease sometimes causes teeth sensitivity. If you want to know, you’ll need to visit your local dental clinic. The dentist can then determine the cause of your teeth sensitivity and recommend the best course of treatment.

Use a Soft-Bristled Toothbrush

When you brush your teeth, use a soft-bristled toothbrush. This will help protect your enamel and prevent your teeth from becoming sensitive.

Use Fluoride Toothpaste

Fluoride toothpaste can also help to reduce teeth sensitivity. Fluoride helps to strengthen your enamel and make your teeth more resistant to sensitivity. Additionally, some kinds of toothpaste on the market are specifically designed for sensitive teeth. This toothpaste helps to desensitize your teeth and make them less sensitive to hot and cold temperatures.

Avoid Acidic Foods and Drinks

As we mentioned earlier, acidic foods and drinks can cause tooth sensitivity. So, it’s best to avoid them if you’re trying to reduce your sensitivity.

Deal With Bruxism

If you have bruxism, then you need to deal with it. Thankfully there are various ways you can do so. Here are the most common treatments for bruxism:

  • Wearing a Nightguard:

  • A nightguard is a device you wear while sleeping. It helps to protect your teeth from grinding against each other.
  • Botox Injections:

  • Botox injections can help to relax the muscles in your jaw and reduce teeth grinding.
  • Surgery:

  • In severe cases, surgery might be necessary to correct the problem.

Deal With Receding Gums

Various reasons cause receding gums, but the treatments are all the same. Here are the most common treatments for receding gums:

  • Brushing and Flossing:

    Proper oral hygiene is the best way to prevent gum disease.

  • Scaling and Root Planing

    This deep cleaning procedure helps remove plaque and tartar from your teeth and gums.

  • Gum Graft Surgery:

    In severe cases, gum graft surgery might be necessary to correct the problem.

Teeth sensitivity is a common problem, but there are various things you can do to deal with it. If you’re dealing with sensitive teeth, you can expect it to go away in a few weeks. However, if your teeth sensitivity persists, you should see a dentist. They can then determine the cause of your teeth sensitivity and recommend the best course of treatment.

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