Even though the World Health Organization and national governments are finding ways to stop the rapid spread of covid-19, we still need to act to help in little ways. Indeed, you might not have the power to magically formulate a medicine that would cure the disease, but with simple practices, you can help prevent the increase of covid-19 cases.

This article will discuss how we, the ordinary citizens, can prevent the spread of covid-19. We need to participate in protecting not only ourselves but also our families. Remember, discipline starts at home. When all family members are willing to help, the whole community will benefit.

Get vaccinated if you’re eligible.

Let’s get one thing straight; covid vaccines are effective, safe, and most importantly, free. It would be incredibly beneficial for you to get vaccinated as it’s your number one protection against the virus. The vaccine is vital for people at risk of severe illnesses and those suffering from medical conditions. 

If you’re worried about the possible side effects, you can always ask your doctor- learn about the pros and cons of getting the vaccine.

Wash your hands frequently.

It’s easy to spread and get the virus if your hands are dirty. After every activity you do, make sure to wash your hands with soap and water. Actions like blowing your nose, touching groceries, coughing, and many more can put you at risk of spreading germs. Make it a habit to wash your hands as frequently as possible and use a sanitizer all the time.

Wear your mask.

Whether we like it or not, face masks are a huge part of our lives until we put a stop to covid 19 for good. If you’re not vaccinated, wearing a mask that can cover your mouth and nose is vital. You may also opt to wear a cloth face cover, but it will not protect you against the virus. However, it can prevent you from spreading the virus if you’re infected.

Stay updated.

It may seem too stressful to keep hearing about covid 19 almost every day, but it’s important to know what’s the latest. Make sure to read or watch the news to see the development of covid treatments, new variants, and so on. Sometimes, the news may not seem important to you, but as a citizen, you need to keep track of what’s happening around you so you’ll know the steps to take to help others.

Maintain social distancing.

Maintaining a safe distance whenever you’re in a public place is crucial to prevent the spread of the virus. As much as possible, maintain a six-feet distance from other people. Social distancing also includes avoiding social practices such as handshaking, hugging, and kissing. Just give your friends a smile and wave in the meantime.

Clean surfaces routinely.

Practice frequent cleaning in your home especially objects often touched by people. Ensure disinfect tables, phones, doorknobs, toilets, faucets, keyboards, sinks, and light switches.

Replace your mask after sneezing or coughing.

Always bring a spare mask. After coughing or sneezing, immediately replace your face mask with a new one, and don’t forget to wash your hands. If you’re not wearing a mask, make sure to cover your mouth with a hanky or tissue as you sneeze.

Keep track of your health.


The signs and symptoms of covid-19 typically show 2 to 14 days after the exposure, so it’s critical to monitor your health daily. You may seem healthy, but there’s no harm in staying alert. Watch for the common symptoms, including cough, fever, and shortness of breath.

Check your temperature whenever you feel sick. Most people with mild symptoms and good health can recover in their homes without any treatment. But if symptoms get worse, contact your local emergency hotline right away.

Follow safety protocols.

It would be much safer to delay your travel plans until you’re vaccinated. But if it’s necessary, make sure to follow safety protocols. Check the travel restrictions of the place you’re about to visit and ensure that you have all the required documents. Avoid traveling if you have been exposed to someone positive or if you have symptoms.

Make a plan (in case you get sick).

Talk to people you trust about what to do if you get sick. Ensure that you have a list of the latest medications for covid-19 and what course to take if your symptoms worsen. Have someone deliver meals in your home as you will be quarantined for quite a while.

By following these simple tips, we can help our community reduce the spread of covid-19. You don’t need to be a millionaire to make a difference. Sometimes, simple actions are more than enough to contribute to the betterment of your community.

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