Moringa Oleifera

The moringa plant, known by its scientific name Moringa oleifera, is also referred to as the “Miracle Tree” or “Miracle Plant”. It requires little water to grow and practically every part of it can be used, from the leaves down to its roots. The history of the moringa plant as a medicinal plant can be traced back in Ayurvedic texts. Ayurvedic medicine has been using the moringa plant for thousands of years to cure over 300 diseases.

Below are some of the health benefits that the moringa plant provides.

Moringa is Packed with Vitamins and Minerals

The moringa plant is rich in nutrients. It is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals such as:

  • Protein
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin B2 or Riboflavin
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium

Moringa is Good for the Hair and Skin

The nutrient-rich composition of moringa makes it a key ingredient in many hair and skin products. Moringa oil naturally improves hair and scalp health, which makes it an active herbal ingredient in anti-dandruff shampoos and conditioners. Moringa leaves also contain sulphur, a key ingredient in collagen and keratin production. Both collagen and keratin are essential in maintaining soft and healthy skin.

Moringa Helps Fight Free Radicals

The leaves, flowers and seeds of the moringa plant contain anti-oxidants that protect the body from free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules, high levels of which can trigger a number of diseases. Moringa limits free radicals from adversely causing oxidative stress, cell damage, and inflammation.

Moringa Aids in Reducing Symptoms of Diabetes and Heart Disease

Moringa leaves help regulate blood sugar levels by reducing lipids and glucose formation, which can be beneficial for people with diabetes.

Moringa is rich in iron which is important in supporting the production of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin helps in improving blood oxygen levels, helping reduce the risk of heart disease.

Moringa Promotes Brain Health

Moringa is rich in proteins and vitamins that help prevent cell degeneration and disease. At the same time, moringa boosts cognitive function by feeding the brain with nutrients that help enhance memory, mood, mental clarity and cognitive function.

a happy woman

Moringa Improves Liver Function

Moringa contributes to liver health by restoring liver enzymes. A healthy liver needs enzymes to perform its main functions. These functions include nutrient processing, blood detox, bile production and metabolism of fat.

Moringa Possesses Anti-Bacterial and Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Moringa is effective in fighting skin infections and providing relief against insect bites. It also helps wounds heal faster, stops bleeding, and reduces clotting. With its anti-inflammatory properties, moringa also helps in the treatment of arthritis and joint pain.

Moringa Can be Used in Water Purification

Moringa is rich with anti-microbial properties which makes it useful in inhibiting bacterial growth and preventing water-borne diseases. In developing countries, extracting oil from the moringa seeds leaves a protein-rich, cake-like texture which can be used in making potable water for humans and animals.

With the undeniable nutrient content and health benefits that the moringa plant provides, it is literally a lifesaver. As a new superfood, moringa can now be found in various forms, including powders, oils and capsules.

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