Throughout much of our history, herbal and traditional medicine had played an integral role in much of our survival for hundreds of years, especially when many individuals and “medical” practitioners didn’t have the necessary scientific understanding of what traditional medicine could do.


Even before the invention of modern-day medicine explicitly designed to help against diseases and health complications, traditional medicine was the go-to way of treating infections, sicknesses, and a variety of maladies. Although, there are some instances where herbal medicine can be “hit-or-miss” due to limited scientific backing.


The limited understanding of many individuals on herbal medicine has lead to rampant misinformation of alternative medicine. Even when the internet has made it easier to access different forms of published and credible data and information, most are still dark regarding alternative and herbal medicine. Most experts would say that this is mainly attributed to the rapid spread of information in social media platforms used in misinformation campaigns. 


Fortunately, we’re here to help debunk some myths that are circulating traditional and alternative medicine. Here’s what you’ll need to know. 


What’s Real, and What Isn’t?


But before we discuss some key myths that are surrounding traditional medicine, we need to determine if a certain source of information is credible or not. In the past few years, fake news and disinformation have caused problems for many credible news sources. This is especially true for the medical community when there has been a skyrocket in misinformation.


Normally, much of the public will rely on search engines and the internet for advice and solutions to problems. As even more individuals gain better interest in health and lifestyle, many are swayed by celebrities endorsing products.


While there’s nothing wrong with spreading the word about a product, most marketers will distort information and make claims without any scientific basis. That said, identifying posts that could cater to misinformation is one of the best ways of addressing myths and rumors surrounding these products. 


Most experts would suggest listening to health and lifestyle experts with years of experience in the field and credentials that match the information they advise others. For research and data, it’s important to stick to established organizations, such as the association of naturopathic practitioners, who are known for giving accurate and comprehensive advice regarding the right therapies. These organizations are staffed with professionals that are well-versed in herbal medicine, homeopathy, and natural therapy. 


Vitamin C Can Cure Any Ailment


First and foremost, one of the most common myths out there that are still known up until present times is that ascorbic acid is a be-all-end-all cute to almost all types of maladies. Many vitamin supplements claim to be direct remedies to colds and flu. In most cases, vitamin C that goes above the daily dose needed for the body will be flushed out. 


Research and studies have shown that while vitamin C does help significantly reduce the duration of colds, it does not completely mitigate the risk of catching diseases. The fact here is that vitamin C will play an integral role in the body's immune reaction, but that doesn’t mean that it’s a cure to everything. It’s also quite safe in high doses, although there is a small chance that it can cause hyperacidity. 



Garlic Can Cure Wounds


Another known myth is that herbal medicine, such as garlic, can help with minor wounds that could cause swelling and inflammation. However, garlic is known for being one of the most popular herbs that are cultivated worldwide. Many Asian cultures would claim that garlic can help in treating a variety of ailments. 


Many scientific studies suggest that garlic can have properties that can help lower blood pressure. If your blood pressure is above the normal average, including a bit of garlic into your diet can help prevent the rise of cholesterol and plaque formation. After all, prevention is better than having to look for ways of curing the malady. 



As you can see, many myths are surrounding alternative forms of medicine. This shouldn’t discourage you from taking them. Still, it’s important to remember that herbal medicine isn’t a direct substitute for modern medicine, especially when it comes to severe and life-threatening conditions that will need professional medical help. 


But that doesn’t mean that alternative medicine is insignificant. In fact, many prominent organizations worldwide recognize the use of alternative treatments to supplement therapies and expedite the healing process for many individuals. 

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