woman smiling

It’s no secret that healthy skin is beautiful. No matter what your age, you want to look and feel as radiant as possible.

Besides taking better care of yourself, it’s also essential to look carefully at the products you use for your skin. Opting for organic and natural alternatives, such as products from Harmony and Wellness Philippines, goes a long way in ensuring that your skin receives proper nourishment and care.

But how can one achieve a healthy glow from the inside out? Follow this guide to help get you started on your journey toward better health and happiness.

What does it mean to have a healthy glow?

A healthy glow is achieved when the state of your skin reflects how you feel on the inside. When looking at a person, you can tell a lot about them. A burst of red in the cheeks is usually indicative of high blood levels. On the other hand, dry or oily patches are signs of other conditions present internally.

Healthy skin will have a uniform look to it, whether through regular cleansing and moisturizing or just from eating well and being hydrated.

Why is it important to eat well and exercise?

There are many reasons why eating well and exercising regularly is essential, but one of the most underrated ones is how much better you will feel. Improved physical health will show through in your skin, hair, and nails — things that play a massive role in our overall appearance.

Not only that but when people eat right and exercise, the body releases endorphins. Endorphins are the body’s natural response to positive stimuli (such as eating fresh fruit or going for a run). These endorphins have been linked to happiness and reduced stress levels, which promotes clear skin.

What if you’re not getting enough sleep?

If you’re having trouble sleeping, it’s time to start getting more of it. A lack of sleep has been linked to many medical conditions, but what does that do with skin? When people are well rested, the body can function correctly. This includes the production of sebum (the oily substance on the skin). Too little or too much sebum could lead to blocked pores and breakouts.

When sleep-deprived, the body naturally produces less of the neurotransmitter melatonin, which controls drowsiness. The lack of melatonin means that you’re tired and irritable all day long! Lack of sleep also causes dark circles under the eyes and puffy eyelids.

Drink more water. Your body will thank you for it.

Water is an essential part of keeping the body happy and glowing. Your skin absorbs over 50% of what you put on it. So when you apply moisturizer or foundation, make sure to start with a clean canvas.

Drink at least eight glasses of water every day to stay hydrated. If you’re finding yourself still tired throughout the day, try drinking extra amounts of water before going to bed. Cold water causes your metabolism to speed up, which helps burn fat and reduce weight gain.

stressed woman

Learn to Manage Stress Better

Stress is an inevitable part of life, but learning to manage it will go a long way toward helping your health. Chronic stress and worry can cause severe mental illnesses, such as anxiety disorders. These conditions have been linked to skin problems like acne because the body’s immune system becomes compromised.

A natural way to get rid of stress is through breathing exercises. Deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth have been shown to reduce depression, increase energy levels, and improve sleep quality.

Exercise is also a great way to relieve yourself from stress — just be sure not to overdo it. If you’re tired or sore after exercise, take a break from working out before doing further damage.

Consume Caffeine and Alcohol in Moderation

Try not to drink too much alcohol or caffeine because both have been shown to cause dehydration and make skin look dull and less healthy. Caffeine makes you feel like your skin is flushed or blotchy, while alcohol causes you to lose sleep (and even eat more).

When possible, try drinking much of your water before noon and avoid drinking coffee after 6 p.m. to not interfere with your sleep schedule.

Get Enough Sunlight

Sufficient exposure to sunlight can help maintain the body’s circadian rhythm (or natural day/night cycle), which controls many bodily processes, including hormone production. Getting enough sunlight can also help increase serotonin levels, which helps to prevent depression.

Sensitive skin, however, cannot be exposed to a lot of sunlight because it may cause skin irritation or redness. If you have sensitive skin, try keeping your face as clean and straightforward as possible before going out in the sun.

The Takeaway

With a bit of research and some self-care, your body will thank you for taking the time to treat yourself right. Remember that healthy skin starts with a healthy body, and using the right skincare products can help you take better care of what you have.

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