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If you are a scientist who has an idea for a new drug, how can you increase your research’s chance of success? One way to do this is to increase the number of patients in your clinical trial.

This article will explore how to increase the number of patients in a clinical trial. Here are seven ways that you can do just that:

stethoscope and some medicine in the table and a clinical trials text

1. Target High-Volume Hospitals

If you target high-volume hospitals, your clinical trial will involve more patients. Many large hospitals have the most significant number of surgical procedures performed within their walls. By studying patients at high-volume hospitals, you may be able to include them in your study.

For example, MGH (Massachusetts General Hospital) performs over 20,000 surgeries per year and has a tremendous amount of data on these patients that can be accessed if given consent.

Other options for this level of patient population include Johns Hopkins Hospital and University Hospitals Case Medical Center.

2. Flexible Sites

Many clinical trials target specific types of patients, for example, those with cancer or diabetes. By targeting these groups, you are able to include many more patients in your trial.

If you are trying to target many people, consider allowing flexible sites to allow for easier patient recruitment. This helps to cut down on logistics issues that may arise by limiting the study.

3. Patient Advocates

Patient advocates can help recruit patients into your clinical trial by increasing awareness within the community and providing information about how it works and who qualifies.

Since they often have personal experience with similar ailments as those involved with your study, they also offer an unbiased perspective regarding the design of the study protocol, especially if they themselves have previously participated in a clinical trial.

They can also help defray the costs of medical care for those who qualify to participate since they typically have relationships with physicians and hospitals that offer financial assistance to patients who otherwise would not be able to afford such treatment.

4. Target Rural Areas

Targeting rural areas is another way to increase the number of people included in your study. By studying rural populations, you may be able to maximize patient participation by including many more individuals than you would otherwise.

Keep in mind that different states and countries have other laws regarding how much compensation is paid to patients; check with an attorney ahead of time before making any promises about what kind of compensation will/won’t be available for those involved with your study.

5. Utilize Online Resources

There are now many online resources that can be used to increase awareness about your clinical trial and recruit more patients.

This includes social media platforms, community news outlets, local newspapers, health fairs, or even events targeted at specific groups (i.e., veterans).

It is essential to target the right platform(s); for example, LinkedIn may not be as effective as Facebook when targeting a younger demographic.

Keep in mind that this often depends on what country you are located in; keep your target audience in mind when deciding which avenues will be most effective for recruitment purposes.

You can also approach online patient recruitment services to help you reach more patients and conduct a month-long campaign that will target people who are actively seeking information about trials in your area.

6. Target Patients Who Are Currently On Medications

Patients who are currently taking medications are another group of potential candidates for clinical trials that can be targeted to increase the number of participants.

Many medicines have been on the market far longer than new drugs. Often, patients who are already receiving treatment with a currently marketed drug may be able to participate in a study involving a similar compound.

7. Utilize Your Network

Finally, consider utilizing your network to recruit more participants into your trial! Although it might sound obvious, this is yet another good way to find more people.

Ask them if they know anyone else who would be interested. In addition, patient advocates mentioned above typically have connections within their community that they can leverage when trying to recruit others into your trial.

Clinical trials are essential for scientists to study the safety and effectiveness of pharmaceuticals. They are typically overseen by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), which has strict guidelines for conducting these studies.

By targeting specific groups, conducting flexible sites, utilizing online resources, and leveraging your personal network, you can increase the number of patients who participate in your trial. This will help to ensure that your study is as effective as possible.

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