
For decades adults lived with misaligned teeth because the thought of wearing a cumbersome and uncomfortable metal appliance was not an option. The dental industry has been working on more patient-friendly appliances to help correct young and more mature patients’ dental misalignment conditions. These days the dental appliances used to correct misalignment are more targeted to specific conditions. At a dental practice the staff will conduct a thorough examination of your mouth and once they have assessed your condition they will discuss the various options with you. While the purpose of any dental brace is to correct a misalignment condition, it is also important to match your personality to the treatment. Some patients feel strongly about their aesthetic appearance during treatment, while others may not be as concerned. Invisible braces Clapham offer an unobtrusive way of treating your condition, but the aesthetic element is only part of the solution. Achieving a suitable result that enables your teeth to function in the way they are meant to perform is vitally important.

Assessing your options

dental appointment

Technology has been a major driving force in the speed with which dental braces have developed. Dental science has considered not only the efficiency and effectiveness of the treatment on teeth, but also the effect on mental wellbeing, as well. The condition being treated will dictate which dental appliances are most suitable. The duration of the treatment also contributes to the patient’s comfort and satisfaction. Which type of brace is more preferable, fixed or removable.

The earlier the better

As with most conditions, the sooner a condition is identified, the sooner corrective treatment can commence. Children may best be treated using a pre-orthodontic trainer, where we identify a possible problem that may develop when their permanent teeth appear. If there is evidence of teeth crowding or a crossbite an arch expander may be the answer. These early treatments can avoid the use of a dental brace later.

Braces and aligners

Dental braces have evolved and now come in a variety of dental coloured or clear materials. Using blocks, wires and bands they can be fitted to the front of your teeth and some versions are self-adjusting. They can also be fitted to the back of your teeth so that they are invisible. In addition aligners work differently to braces and resemble a gumshield. These clear aligners fit over your teeth and are inconspicuous. There is no adjustment necessary because you are required to wear an aligner for a predetermined length of time which is, on average, two to three weeks. The advantage that they have over fixed braces is that they must be worn for a minimum of twenty-two hours per day, but they can be removed, to allow you to eat and brush your teeth. Each aligner has its own function and fits into a series, so each aligner must be worn in the correct sequence to achieve the predicted result. Each treatment is designed around you and your expectations. A dentist will guide you but the ultimate decision is yours to make.

Your expectations achieved

Dental practices employ highly experienced teams who have helped thousands of patients to be able to find relief from the anxiety of being too embarrassed to smile. They are there to put that broad smile of confidence on your face.

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