Frozen vegetables on cutting board and plastic bags

The New Year prompts people to say, “New Year, new me!” Not that there’s anything wrong with wanting to get fit and healthier every year. But it will require tons of determination, patience, and commitment. And you will need to exert a lot of effort because only 46 percent manage to keep their resolutions after six months.

Here’s how you can make it possible.

Choose an Activity You Like

Find an activity that can keep you going. Go for a type of workout that you find enjoyable. Don’t be one of the 60 percent of gym members who start in January, but don’t continue in the long run.

There are many kinds of exercises that you’re most likely to stick with. Getting a personal training program will keep you motivated and committed.

If you don’t enjoy making gym visits, then maybe it’s not for you. Running is one activity that won’t cost you anything. All you have to do is set a schedule, put on your running clothes and shoes, and go to an active park or just run around the block.

Outdoor activities, like rock climbing or joining a soccer league, can also help you stick to your New Year’s resolutions. Getting into sports is a surefire way to keep you fit, just make sure you’ll stick to it.

woman consulting with her personal trainerBe a Morning Person and Prioritize Working Out

The best time of day to work out to lose weight is in the morning. Get up early and go to the gym for personal training or for a morning jog. That’s one way to start your day right.

Exercising helps you shed some pounds, or at least prevents you from gaining any more. It pushes the body to turn to fat reserves for energy, instead of the usual workout to “burn” your most recent meal. Working out in the morning also exposes you to some much-needed vitamin D.

Becoming a morning person for the sake of working out gives you the mindset that you’re day isn’t complete without exercise. It’s hard to miss a workout if you’ve conditioned your mind that it’s a need at the break of dawn.

A regular workout can also ease your stress and anxiety from work. Exercising pumps your endorphins, which trigger a positive feeling. You will also find that your sleep quality improves when you have a regular workout routine.

Eat Right and Clean

A diet can help you lose weight quickly, but it can also boost powerful cravings that force you to cheat. Pick a diet that is proven effective by science.

You can try intermittent fasting or you can go for a ketogenic diet. Choose the one that works best for your appetite, but still gives you enough energy to function at work. And start eating healthier options. For a truly healthy lifestyle, it’s time to ditch all the junk food and processed food that you’ve always stored in your pantry.

Also, it’s not just fat that you have to stop consuming — it’s about time to cut back on sugar, a very prevalent ingredient that’s popular for overall risk of death.

You started the year right with a resolution. Now, it’s time to get through 2019 and end the year right with your fitness goals accomplished.

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